
Impact Area: Build support specifically for our Black community


支持 和 provide resources to address the lived experiences of Black community members at DU.


Modeling the resources 和 focused attention for the Latinx 和 Indigenous/Native Communities at DU (e.g. 杜克大学拉丁语中心), 此操作项, 将于2020年秋季推出, 会提供资源委任一名 黑人社区体验协调员 2020-2021学年. The Coordinator will work in the Office of 多样性、股票, 和 包容 (ODEI) to facilitate the University’s response to the systemic 和 institutional exclusion of Black people at DU. 

The response coordinator position might specifically address: 

  • Lack of inclusive physical 和 social 空间s for Black 教师, 工作人员, 和 students 
  • Institutional 和 systematic remedies to address racial battle fatigue experienced by DU’s Black community in the classrooms, 办公室, 公共空间

The response coordinator might also identify 项目 和 structures to center 和 value the Black experience in the intellectual 和 everyday life of the University. 这些项目可以包括: 

  • The establishment of a center for Black studies 和 community engagement 
  • Protocol for reflection, 学习, 和 action programming around Black History Month 和 the 六月节假期
  • A Black Community Advisory Board comprised of students, 工作人员, 教师, 校友, 社区成员 to help set both accountability measures 和 priorities for DU  


  • 黑人社区体验协调员 position

    Black Community Experience Coordinator position posted internally on September 28, 2020年,将于10月12日关闭, 2020.


  • ODEI Hires DU's First 黑人社区体验协调员


    我们欢迎. Andriette Jordan-Fields as the 黑人社区体验协调员. 在这个角色中,Dr.Jordan Fields will immediately establish a Black Community Advisory (BCAB) Board comprised of students, 工作人员, 教师, 校友, 社区成员 to help set both accountability measures 和 priorities for DU. 还有BCAB, the 黑人社区体验协调员 will come up with specific recommendations to:

    • Address the lack of inclusive physical 和 social 空间s for Black 教师, 工作人员, 和 students
    • Identify institutional 和 systematic remedies to address racial battle fatigue experienced by DU’s Black community in the classrooms, 办公室, 公共空间
    • Center Black Studies in DU curricular offerings 和 research 和 support for Black 教师
    • 为反射创建一个协议, 学习, 和 action programming around Black History Month 和 the 六月节假期


  • 纪念黑人历史月

    In our continuing effort to recognize 和 honor the diverse community at the 正规赌博十大平台排行, 这个月我们庆祝黑人历史月. Over the past year, the United States has continued to grapple with its racial reckoning. 在正规赌博十大平台排行, we commit 和 affirm the uncomplicated refrain “Black Lives Matter” even as others have questioned 和 rejected it. 反黑人种族主义是真实存在的. As an institution dedicated to serving the public good, we must recognize that our pathway to excellence in science, 艺术, 业务, 政府, 人类服务也依赖于此, 并将继续依赖, on the contributions of our Black 和 African American peers.


  • Talking Race, Taking Space: Building 和 Sustaining a Recognized Black Community at DU

    文化遗产月委员会, 由ODEI的代表组成, C+V, 文化中心, 人力资源和包容性社区, 产生了以下事件:

    为了纪念黑人历史月, Dr. 安德里亚特·乔丹·菲尔兹, DU's 黑人社区体验协调员, will host a conversation with 斯蒂芬妮·奥马利, Associate Vice Chancellor for Government Relations 和 Community Affairs, Allana的强项, Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer & 杰克逊维尔大学的法律顾问,还有 马修·所罗门杜克大学黑人学生联盟主席. They will speak from their lived experiences 和 expertise about race, 空间, 和 how to build 和 maintain a recognized Black community at DU.


  • 建立黑人社区咨询委员会

    As the first step in establishing the Black Community Advisory Board, the 黑人社区体验协调员 will convene a steering committee to help define the mission 和 vision of the board, 其章程, 以及成员结构. The steering committee will also be comprised of Black students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 社区成员. The work of the Steering Committee will last through the first week of March 2021 with the goal of naming a Black Community Advisory Board by April 2021. This time frame is set to ensure that the advisory board is established soon.

    如果你是一个黑人学生, 教员, 工作人员, or community member 和 have an interest in participating on the steering committee or being considered for the Black Community Advisory Board, 请电子邮件 和riette.jordanfields@mokmingsky.com  或完成 这种形式 by 午夜 on 2021年2月28日




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